Wednesday, October 31, 2007

State Info Revealed

E: Environment Redux: To bring back

This website,, helps communities across the United States develop social networks to help their town “Go Green” by giving them online tools and resources to accomplish a pro-action style. By filling in your zip code, you will be directed to a local blog space which has events and resources for that particular town.

The New Jersey facts are outstanding regarding our carbon footprint. All the states are listed with green bars that signify their population, their carbon output, and their total carbon ranking. Where do you think NJ is on the scale? Top, near the top? Well, we’re 9th in population, our per capita carbon output is 41, yet our carbon ranking is 16. What does it mean?

Well, each NJ resident produces 15 tons, yes TONS, of carbon dioxide each year. We are the 16th highest polluting state, which is not a surprise since we have a high population and industry. Is anyone surprised, or appalled? Remember your carbon footprint number from the calculator? Can you now see how this affects everyone in the state, and the nation?
Check out this informative interactive site.

Source: website, Retreived October 31, 2007

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